Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the disciplines on which the JEST examination is conducted?

  • You can appear for the JEST examination in Physics or Theoretical Computer Science but not for both.

2. Are there different tests for admission in Integrated Ph. D & Ph. D. programs?

  • No. A common examination is conducted for Ph. D. and integrated Ph. D. programs.

3. Is there any limit to the number of times one can apply for the JEST examination?

  • No, there is no such restriction on the number of times one can appear for the JEST examination.

4. Is there any age limit for taking the JEST examination?

  • There is no restriction on age for appearing in the JEST examination. However, each participating institute has its own eligibility criteria. For details on the eligibility criteria of the participating institutes, candidates are advised to visit their websites.

5. To apply, do I need to have an email-id?

  • Candidates must have a valid email-id before registering themselves with JEST.    

6. What are these username and password required for?

  • The username (used as your username) and password (whatever you wish) are required to create an account with the JEST website for submitting the online application form.

7. Is registration necessary? How does it work?

  • Yes. Registration is a process in which your email-id and preferred password are saved in a database. On successful registration, an OTP number will be sent to your registered email id and mobile number for verification. You need to verify with the OTP and complete the registration process. After confirming your account, use the START/ EDIT  link to submit your application.

8. Is it possible to fill up the form in fragments/parts since it is long?

  • Yes. It is possible to fill up the form in fragments. One can save the form after filling in the mandatory fields on the first page and enter other data in the next login. However, it is advised to do it in one go whenever one is ready with all the details.

9.  Payment of the application fee. Is the application fee for the JEST examination refundable?

  • The non-refundable application fee for JEST 2025 examination is:
    • Fully waived for female applicants belonging to the SC/ST category
    • Rs. 475/- for all female applicants not belonging to the SC/ST category
    • Rs. 475/- for SC/ST (male), EWS (*), differently abled (*) applicants
    • Rs. 950/- for all other applicants
    • (*) As defined by the relevant laws currently in force.
  • Payment will be accepted using online payment service using debit card/credit card/Net-banking/UPI only. Payment by any other mode will not be accepted. The application fee, once paid, will NOT be refunded.

10. Payment failure / Amount deducted and/or receipt not generated?

  • Check your account for the deducted amount. Please share transaction details with Bank Transaction ID and Application Number if the amount is deducted from your account. If the amount is not deducted, make the payment again.

11. What is the level of questions in the examination?

  • The questions are based on the general syllabi of graduation and post-graduation level courses offered by various Indian universities and institutions. JEST question papers usually are not made available. However, some questions from previous year's examinations are available Physics Sample paper.

12. Which institutes offer a Ph.D. Degree in Theoretical Computer Science?

  • Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai, is the only institution currently offering a Ph. D. in Theoretical Computer Science. Please visit the IMSc webpage for more information.

13. Which institutes offer a Ph.D. Degree in Neuroscience or Computational Biology?

  • National Brain Research Centre (NBRC), Gurgaon, is the only institution currently offering a Ph. D. in Neuroscience. Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc) Chennai offers a PhD in Computational Biology. Please note that JEST is meant as a means for students from a Physics background to take up research in Neuroscience or Computational Biology, and interested students have to take the PHYSICS JEST examination. Please visit the IMSc webpage for more information.

14. I am pursuing a B. Tech degree in Mechanical / Civil Engineering, am I eligible to appear in the JEST examination?

  • JEST is a screening test for admission to PhD and Int. PhD program of different participating institutes (see the list from JEST home page) in physics and theoretical computer science/neuroscience. The JEST examination is only conducted for two subjects: physics and theoretical computer science.  However, the qualifications for admission to the PhD and Int. PhD program in various participating institutes is different. So the candidate is requiring visiting the websites of the participating institutes of their interest to know more about the qualification requirement.

15. What degrees does one receive in the Integrated PhD program in Theoretical Computer Science?

  • Candidates receive an M. Sc. degree upon completing the course requirements in the first two years of graduate school and a PhD degree upon completing graduate school.

16. Where can I get sample question papers?
Visit the website

17. What is the validity period of the JEST score?

  • JEST score is valid for only one year.

18. What payment modes are available for the application fee?

  • There are various options available for the payment of the application fee. You can choose UPI, net banking, credit card, etc.

19. What information should be supplied for "% of marks" in the qualifying examination?

  • Please provide the marks obtained in the last examination you appeared for. For example, if you are in BSc 3rd year, give the aggregate marks obtained in BSc 2nd year if you know it; otherwise, enter "Result Awaited" and enter your last obtained marks.

20. How to obtain the admit card?

  • Admit cards will be available for download from the JEST registration portal a few days before the examination. Please wait for the notification on the JEST website regarding the admit card. Admit cards will NOT be sent by post/email. Bring a print-out of the downloaded Admit Card and one of your photo-ids to the examination center.