- Please see the websites/advertisements of the participating institutes for their eligibility criteria in details.
- Listed below are tentative eligibility criteria of admission to M.Sc, Ph.D, and Integrated / M.Sc / M.Tech. - Ph.D programs in the participating institutes.
Ph.D. Programme
- M.Sc. in Physics (all participating Institutes).
Additionally, some institutes accept B.E. / B.Tech. / M.Sc. / M.E. / M.Tech. in disciplines of Applied Physics and Mathematics, as listed below.
- M.Sc. in Mathematics / Applied Physics / Applied Mathematics / Optics and Photonics / Instrumentation / Electronics will also be considered at IIA.
- B.E. or B.Tech. will be considered at IISc, IMSc, ICTS-TIFR, IUCAA, JNCASR, NCRA-TIFR, TIFR-TCIS, RRI, IISER Mohali, IISER Pune, IISER Thiruvananthapuram.
- M.Sc. in Physics / Electronics / Astronomy / Applied Mathematics will be cnsidered at IUCAA and NCRA-TIFR.
- MSc in Physics, Engineering Physics or Applied Physics will also be considered at IPR.
- M.Sc. in Physics, Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, Biophysics or Biochemistry will be considered at SNBNCBS.
- B.Tech Eng. Phys.will be considered at TIFR and NCRA-TIFR..
- M.E./ M.Tech in Applied Physics will be considered at NISER.
- M.Sc. in Physics/Astronomy/Optics/Photonics/Biophysics/Mathematics or ME/M.Tech in Engineering also will be considered at RRI.
- MSc. in Physics, Chemistry and Bio Physics will be considered at SNBNCBS.
Theoretical Computer Science at IMSc
M.Sc./ M.E. / M.Tech. in Computer Science and related disciplines, and should be interested in the mathematical aspects of computer science.
Ph D in Neuroscience at NBRC
- M.Sc (Physics/ Mathematics), B.E/ B.Tech/ M.C.A in Computer Science
Ph D in Computational Biology at IMSc
- M.Sc./ M.E. / M.Tech. / MCA in any engineering or science discipline, with good mathematical skills and strong interest in biological problems.
Integrated M.Sc. / M.Tech - Ph.D Programme (Physics)
- BSc in Physics (Major/Hons), or in Physics and Mathematics (Physics cannot be an allied/subsidiary/minor subject) will be considered at SNBNCBS.
- B. Sc. (Physics) will be considered at IMSc.
- B.Sc. (Physics / Mathematics) / B.E. / B.Tech. in Electrical / Instrumentation / Engineering Physics / Electronics and Communications / Computer Science and Engineering / Optics and Photonics will be considered in IIA.
- B.Sc (Physics) or B.E./B. Tech in Engineering Physics , with a minimum of first class marks, will be considered at NISER.
- B.Sc. (Physics) will be considered at IISER-Pune, ICTS-TIFR, NCRA-TIFR, and TIFR-TCIS.
- B. Sc. (Physics / Mathematics) / B.E. / B.Tec. will be considered for Integrated M.Sc - PhD at Bose Institute.
- B. Sc. (Physics / Mathematics/Computer Science/Electronics) / B.E. / B.Tech. will be considered for Integrated M.Sc - PhD at Bose Institute.
Integrated Ph.D Programme in Theoretical Computer Science at IMSc
- B.Sc./B.E./B.Tech./M.C.A. in Computer Science or related disciplines and should be interested in the mathematical aspects of computer science.
Integrated M.Tech - Ph.D. Programme at IIA
- M.Sc. (Physics / Applied Physics) / Post-B.Sc. (Hons) in Optics and Optoelectronics / Radio Physics and Electronics.
Integrated Ph.D. Programme at IISER Kolkata and IISER. Thiruvananthapuram.
- B. Sc. (Physics) or B.E. / B. Tech. in any discipline.
M. Sc. Programme at HRI.
- B. Sc. (Physics) or B.E./B.Tech. degree in any discipline
- HRI is starting a new M.Sc. programme in Physics from 2017. The Integrated Ph.D. programme in Physics at HRI is discontinued from 2017.